Event: Emerging Mature Workers Policy Issues for a Productive Future

By |2021-06-02T12:26:28+08:00June 2nd, 2021|

Policy Dialogue on Mature Workers in Organisations: Emerging Policy Issues for a Productive Future Date 10 June 2021* Venue Molonglo Theatre, JG Crawford Building 132, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra Jointly presented by CEPAR and the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA) in the Crawford School of Public [...]

Mature workers news round up – June 2021

By |2021-07-02T08:26:16+08:00June 1st, 2021|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for June 2021. America's workforce is graying, and ageism could cost the economy trillions of dollars The American population is aging, and businesses will need to adapt to an older workforce. An AARP study suggests that age discrimination [...]

Research | Subjective vs chronological age | Motivational effect on retirement plans

By |2021-05-09T18:38:57+08:00May 9th, 2021|

Comparing subjective and chronological age diversity | Older workers’ post-retirement plans depend on type of motivation Comparing subjective and chronological age diversity Florian Kunze  Stephan A. Boehm  Heike Bruch (2021). It matters how old we feel in organizations: Testing a multilevel model of organizational subjective‐age diversity on employee [...]

Online Symposium – Older women and the Australian workplace

By |2021-05-05T15:56:53+08:00May 5th, 2021|

Prof Philip Taylor Online Symposium - Older women and the Australian workplace: What do they want and what do they think of their jobs? Join us for this CEPAR Online Symposium Date: Wednesday, 26 May 2021 Time: 12-1 PM (AEST) Older women and the Australian workplace. What do they want [...]

Mature workers news round up – May 2021

By |2021-06-01T16:21:48+08:00May 5th, 2021|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for May 2021. Australian visas should go to younger skilled migrants and we should pay them more, Grattan Institute says Think tank the Grattan Institute and others are calling for a revamp of Australia's skilled migration program. The [...]

Mature workers news round up – April 2021

By |2021-05-09T18:17:44+08:00April 6th, 2021|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for April 2021. China takes great leap backward as population falls China is expected to record its first population decrease in several decades when Beijing releases official census figures after weeks of delay, revealing an intensifying demographic crisis. [...]

Research news: women, retirement, COVID, well-being

By |2021-03-11T08:45:35+08:00March 11th, 2021|

Retiring Women: Work and Post-work Transitions | The Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 Recession on the US Labor Market | The effect of employment on the subjective well-being of 60–80 years old people Retiring Women: Work and Post-work Transitions Taylor, P. Earl, C.,  Brooke, E. and McLoughlin, C. [...]

Mature workers news round up – March 2021

By |2021-04-12T12:29:54+08:00March 9th, 2021|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for March 2021. More Support for Older Caregivers Could Boost U.S. Economy Many family caregivers are familiar with the financial impact of trying to balance the responsibilities of their jobs and careers with their duties caring for their [...]

Research: feelings about age and effective organisations

By |2021-02-11T08:25:10+08:00February 11th, 2021|

These research papers present interesting findings about how people feel about their ages and their effectiveness at work. Feeling out of place: Internalized age stereotypes are associated with older employees’ sense of belonging and social motivation The effect of age on daily positive emotions and work behaviors Age and context effects [...]

Mature workers news round up – February 2021

By |2021-03-09T08:26:06+08:00February 9th, 2021|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for February 2021. Recession leads to increased workplace ageism against women Older women receive 40% fewer job interviews, a number that worsens as women age. Recent research by the National Bureau of Economic Research shows that down markets [...]

Mature workers news round up – January 2021

By |2021-04-08T11:31:53+08:00January 11th, 2021|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for January 2021. Taiwan: Middle-aged and Senior-aged Employment Promotion Act commences To address the challenges arising from an aging population, the Middle-aged and Senior-aged Employment Promotion Act (the Act) was promulgated in December 2019 but only came into [...]

Research: Employers’ responses to an ageing workforce

By |2020-12-09T07:36:06+08:00December 9th, 2020|

How Are Employers Responding to an Aging Workforce? Robert L Clark, and Beth M Ritter (2020). How Are Employers Responding to an Aging Workforce? The Gerontologist, 60(8): 1403-1410. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnaa031 Abstract The American population is aging and changes in the population’s age structure are leading to an aging of the nation’s [...]

Mature workers news round up – December 2020

By |2020-12-19T11:23:50+08:00December 7th, 2020|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for December 2020. How Companies Can Meet the Needs of a Changing Workforce As life expectancies stretch towards 100 years, the traditional career map urgently needs a rethink. The over-50s are the fastest-growing group of workers in the [...]

Myra Hamilton’s research on single women carers in SMH

By |2020-12-01T13:46:28+08:00December 1st, 2020|

Associate Professor Myra Hamilton CEPAR's Associate Prof. Myra Hamilton from the University of Sydney shared insights from her new research on single women carers with readers of The Sydney Morning Herald this week.  No children doesn't mean more savings for single women Researchers from the University of Sydney, [...]

COVID-19 and the Demographic Distribution of Health and Economic Risks

By |2020-11-12T15:35:14+08:00November 12th, 2020|

COVID-19 and the Demographic Distribution of Health and Economic Risks The health impacts of COVID-19 have been modest in Australia compared to elsewhere. But as restrictions ease and the economy reopens, the risks of infection, morbidity, and job loss will require caution. Live data suggests that unemployment impacts may be considerable. Such risks [...]

Mature workers and health during COVID

By |2020-12-09T07:29:10+08:00November 12th, 2020|

We asked 1583 mature workers (45+yrs) about their COVID-19 work experiences. Our preliminary findings suggest that: Unemployed workers felt they had the greatest risk of contracting COVID-19; and Employed workers have higher self rated health than retired and unemployed workers. Conversely, better health was significantly associated with Work [...]

Mature workers news roundup – November 2020

By |2020-12-16T12:07:44+08:00November 3rd, 2020|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for November 2020. How ageism is preventing some Australians from getting employed For older and younger jobseekers, and women in their mid twenties-thirties, it can be difficult to get a job due to ageism in recruiting. Motherhood, too [...]

CEPAR Research: Australian baby boomers & intergenerational equity

By |2020-11-02T09:25:59+08:00November 2nd, 2020|

Attitudes towards Australia’s baby boomers and intergenerational equity Kate O’Loughlin, Rafat Hussain, Hal Kendig (October 2020) Attitudes towards Australia’s baby boomers and intergenerational equity. The Sociological Review DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0038026120963367 Abstract Australia’s Intergenerational Reports (2010, 2015) make a case for restraining public expenditure on an ageing population given the sizeable post-WWII [...]

Research: UK, German and Australian caregiver policies

By |2020-11-02T09:20:35+08:00November 2nd, 2020|

Retirement Security: Other Countries' Experiences with Caregiver Policies United States Government Accountability Office (September 2020). Report to the Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate. Retirement Security: Other Countries' Experiences with Caregiver Policies This report examines (1) other countries’ approaches to support family members who provide eldercare, (2) challenges of these approaches, and [...]

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