Reporting tools
CEPAR has a range of reporting tools for participating organisations. Participants are given real-time access to rich data on their workforce and organisational policies, as well as survey data and intervention data. More tools are currently in development.
Survey Feedback Platform
The M-WOS survey is conducted in participating organisations and responses are mapped against the Age Diversity Management Model. Responses are then further clustered by Organisational Actions (or example, perceptions of HR practices, diversity climate, leadership quality), employees’ experienced reality (for example, work design, bias, knowledge-sharing) and individual responses (for example, core task performance, career withdrawal behaviours).
Organisations can log in and view their data and filter it by their own demographics.
Benchmark outcomes from our survey – such as turnover, work ability, and psychological wellbeing – are highlighted.

Policy Review Feedback
Using the CEPAR Age Diversity Management Model, one of our first steps is to understand the existing activities relevant to mature workers. In a workshop with subject matter experts within an organisation – HR managers and advisors, OSH, diversity and inclusion – we ask them to identify existing activities that relate to the model. During the workshop the activities are input into a spreadsheet and evaluated in terms of maturity, particularly in relation to day-to-day activities. The resulting heatmap shows the areas where the organisation is performing well and those which, at first evaluation, may need improvement.