
Mature workers news roundup – December 2019

Editor’s picks News highlights from around the world on mature workers for December 2019, including: older women increasingly in the workforce; Deutsche Telekom accused of humiliating age discrimination and harassment; elderly South Koreans working ‘until they die’; companies investing in [...]

Listen as The World Today (ABC) discusses our Report

ABC Current Affairs program The World Today featured our Report Maximising Potential: Findings from the Mature Workers in Organisations Survey (MWOS) on their program on the day of its release. "Australia is entering a period of unprecedented population ageing as we live [...]

Our new report highlights challenges for mature workers in Australia

Maximising Potential: Findings from the Mature Workers in Organisations Survey (MWOS) Our new report, released today, finds that mature workers across Australia feel excluded in today’s workforce and have limited development opportunities and flexible working arrangements, compared to the younger population. [...]

CEPAR to host prestigious USA panel in 2020

CEPAR’s team from Curtin University will hold a panel discussion on Effective Management of an Age-Diverse Workforce during the Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology conference. The conference will be held in Austin Texas in April 2020. Dr Daniela Andrei and [...]

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