
Research news: future selves | gender | leveraging older workers

Research news: Employees’ perceptions of their future | Gendered ageism | Leveraging mature workers Occupational Future Time Perspective: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Outcomes Rudolph, C., Kooij, D., Rauvola, R., & Zacher, H. (2018). Occupational future time perspective: A meta‐analysis of [...]

Research news: older worker precarity; ageism in the labour market

Understanding Older Worker Precarity Lain, D. et al (2019). Understanding Older Worker Precarity: The Intersecting Domains of Jobs, Households and the Welfare State. Ageing & Society, 39, 2219–2241 doi:10.1017/S0144686X18001253 We argue that many older workers, not just those in ‘precarious jobs’, feel [...]

3 strategies to help harness the benefits of a mature workforce

3 strategies to help harness the benefits of a mature workforce New Curtin University-led research has identified how organisations can overcome the so-called ‘challenge’ of Australia’s ageing workforce in order to reap the benefits of an age diverse workforce. The research, published [...]

Introduction to CEPAR workshop

Perth, 11 April 2019 Representatives from organisations with an interest in the strategic necessity and competitive advantages associated with employing mature workers joined the CEPAR team for an afternoon tea workshop in Perth on 11 April 2019. The workshop was an opportunity [...]

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