
74 years


Aged care worker

  • Multiple degrees and careers including in horticulture.
  • Left the workforce at age 62 to care for her mother.
  • Retrained and entered the aged care workforce in at age 74, working 3 days per week.
  • Works for increased personal meaning in mature years: “I just find that it is rewarding, and it makes you feel like you are also giving back to the community.”
More about Leonora

Leonora has obtained multiple degrees working across several different industries during her career. When her mother was diagnosed with macular degeneration and dementia, Leonora left her work in horticulture and became a carer.

When her mother passed away in 2017, Leonora gifted her own children much of her inheritance and went travelling. On her return, Leonora found that she needed to return to the workforce for financial reasons. Reflecting on her experiences as a carer, Leonora went to TAFE and completed her qualifications in aged care. At age 74 she re-entered the workforce.

As a mature worker, Leonora brings a wealth of personal experience and empathy to her role. Working in aged care is also provides a meaningful “reason to get out of bed in the morning”. Although she is now financially stable, Leonora continues to work for the rewarding feeling of giving back to her community. She believes it’s important for people of all ages to access work, because it meant there was a diversity of people in the profession.

Source: ABC News