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Speaker: Professor Fabiola Gerpott, CEPAR Associate Investigator, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany

Date: Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Abstract: To establish work practice and policies that promote mature workers’ successful ageing and foster intergenerational knowledge learning in organisations, scholars often want to directly test interventions such as implementing age-specific HR practices, conducting training programs, changing work design, or adapting recruitment practices. At least theoretically, organisations have become increasingly interested in evidence-based management approaches. However, practically scholars often experience a large gap between the rigorous design they want to implement to study the effectiveness of interventions and the expectations and requirements of organisations. In this talk, I present findings from two studies on intergenerational learning in which we collected data by training an age-diverse group of employees. In addition to presenting our results, I also share strategies we used to get organisations on board and discuss challenges that scholars may face when collecting data “in the wild”.

Presented at the Mature Workers in Organisations (MWOS) Virtual Symposium Series, hosted by CEPAR’s Organisations and Mature Workers research stream, based at the Centre’s Curtin University and University of Sydney nodes.
