
Research: older workers with chronic health conditions & early retirement

Why do older workers with chronic health conditions prefer to retire early? Anushiya Vanajan, Ute Bültmann, Kène Henkens (2020). Why do older workers with chronic health conditions prefer to retire early? Age and Ageing, Volume 49, Issue 3, May 2020, 403–410. [...]

Mature workers news roundup – June 2020

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for June 2020. Covid-19 recession causing job losses in older workers and housing stress in young (Australia) Rising rates of housing stress, particularly among younger Australians, and job [...]

Mature workers news roundup – May 2020

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for May 2020. Employers face dilemmas over discrimination laws, CDC health guidance (USA) Guidelines say workers who fall into vulnerable categories shouldn't return to work until phase three. Employers [...]

Researchers caution against assuming a “COVID-19 Generation”

CEPAR Associate Investigators Cort Rudolph (USA) and Hannes Zacher (Germany) have cautioned against using the already emerging term “COVID-19 Generation” as a concept of study. Instead, the researchers encourage researchers to instead focus on individuals and workplaces instead of broadly speculating about [...]

CEPAR researchers’ “Best Paper” award

Curtin Research & Innovation Award awarded to CEPAR researchers CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Sharon Parker and CEPAR Research Fellow Dr Daniela Andrei have received the Curtin University Faculty of Business & Law ‘Research & Innovation Award 2019’, for their paper [...]

CEPAR Mature Workers study featured on SBS

Our Mature Workers in Organisations report was featured in a recent SBS report on the challenges for the mature workforce who are keen to reskill but face ageism in hiring. The report’s co-lead author, and CEPAR Chief Investigator, Professor Sharon Parker of [...]

Mature workers news roundup – April 2020

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for April 2020. COVID-19 Layoff Or Pretext For Age Discrimination Against Older Employees? (USA) A small subset of US employers may decide that, even though mass layoffs are [...]

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