Research: Leadership & age-diverse teams | Fit and usability of work-life supports

By |2020-09-03T12:23:13+08:00September 3rd, 2020|

Assessments of fit and usability of work-life supports in the context of diversity and perceptions of fairness  |  Improving Team Functioning and Performance in Age-Diverse Teams: Evaluation of a Leadership Training Improving Team Functioning and Performance in Age-Diverse Teams: Evaluation of a Leadership Training Jungmann, F., Wegge, J., Liebermann, S.C., [...]

Mature workers news roundup – September 2020

By |2020-10-01T15:36:30+08:00September 3rd, 2020|

Editor's picks Latest news from around the world on mature workers for September 2020. IBM faces another age-discrimination lawsuit in Austin Allegation: Artificial intelligence used to 'surreptitiously target older workers for termination” Accusations the global technology behemoth has laid off older employees due to their ages have beset the [...]

Researchers caution against assuming a “COVID-19 Generation”

By |2020-04-22T13:51:01+08:00April 22nd, 2020|

CEPAR Associate Investigators Cort Rudolph (USA) and Hannes Zacher (Germany) have cautioned against using the already emerging term “COVID-19 Generation” as a concept of study. Instead, the researchers encourage researchers to instead focus on individuals and workplaces instead of broadly speculating about ‘generations’. “The COVID-19 Generation”: A Cautionary Note [...]

Congratulations to GHD!

By |2020-02-28T10:53:41+08:00February 28th, 2020|

GHD, one of our industry partners, has been named by Human Resources Director magazine’s as one of Australia’s 30 most innovative HR teams for 2020. Every year, GHD organises an event called Inclusion Day to help educate and raise awareness about the importance of inclusion and the different aspects of diversity. In [...]

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